
LMI Wireless Utility


Click on the above image to download the latest version of Wireless Utility.


If you will be sending data to Excel via Wireless Utility, download this version of the Wireless Utility. Please note that Excel must be installed prior to installing the Wireless Utility software.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are upgrading from a previous version, you will see that the Find Base Unit button is missing. Wireless Utility and greater will now find the wireless USB base automatically. Just be sure to plug the base in before you start the program and the software will automatically find the base. 

 Wireless Utility is LMI's software that allows you to associate, master, and configure all LMI wireless gages. If you have a specific product you wish to use with Wireless Utility, please click on one of the links below for a video walk-through of the association and calibration process.


200W and Wireless Utility

241W and Wireless Utility

Diamondback Wireless Digital Indicator and Wireless Utility


G-WHIZ and Wireless Utility


True Position Wireless and Wireless Utility


Wireless Seal Gap Gauges and Wireless Utility


The legacy version of Wireless Utility for G-WHIZ firmware below v8.00 can be downloaded here.